Thursday 8 May 2014

Welcoming the new term

Our Topics for this term are;

Space and


Expressive Arts & Design

We will be looking at printing, drawing, painting and model making.  We will be learning some new songs and dances both inside and outside.

Personal, Social, Emotional


 We are learning how to keep ourselves and others safe.  We are looking at how to be a good friend and thinking about others, sharing and turn taking.


We are continuing to count, order, find amounts of and write numbers to 20. We are looking at measuring, matching, positional language, shapes, symmetrical patterns and changing seasons.

 Understanding the World

We are looking at the Earth and Space for the first half term then finding out about our coastlines and how they differ to Selby. We are continuing to look at tales from other cultures. 

                                   Communication, Language and Literacy

We will continue with the daily sessions of Read, Write Inc. We are looking at a range of fiction and non-fiction books. We are learning to re-tell stories and order them, to know by heart some traditional rhymes and how to find information from books.

We will continue with first and surname name writing and fine motor skill work.

                                            Physical Development

We will be spending a lot of our time outside, exploring and investigating, climbing, swinging, jumping, scooting and biking. We are building dens and houses with crates and blocks, and running around in the fresh air finding out about the effects of exercise and how to be healthy.  We will be looking at summer and how to keep ourselves safe in the sun, dancing, habitats and outside games.

Your child will be beginning PE sessions from next week, could all children bring into school a white t shirt, blue or black shorts and black pumps named in a PE bag – please remember jewellery cannot be worn during PE sessions for safety reasons so children will be asked to remove earrings etc and will be expected to put them back in themselves after the sessions also we are running P.E sessions every Monday and Wednesday.

                                             Health and Safety

Please ensure that children wear suitable named clothing and appropriate footwear for outside climbing.

Only stud earrings are to be worn in school, no other jewellery of any kind is permitted for safety reasons. Please can you make sure your child has a labelled change of clothes in school at all times as we sometimes get wet!!

                                                 Future Events

Reception class trip to Cannon Hall farm (early next half term). Summer fair, graduation ceremonies, summer concerts, awards ceremony all dates to follow once finalised. On the 16th of May remember to dress up in bright colours for Rainbow Day! Also on the 23rd of May is Herbies birthday lunch!

Wet or Sunny Days

As children are encouraged to be outside as much as possible, please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for wet weather or sunny days e.g. sun  hats, sun cream, raincoats, wellies   all named. Please remember your child needs a change of shoes for inside if wellies are worn.


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